Saturday, September 01, 2007

Slackness on Blog posting and Aussie musings

Okay - we've been particularly bad - worse than normal - at keeping the blog up to date.

This is the start of changing things around.

We've got a lot that we've got to catch up on, but this post isn't for that.

Since the last Monaco post, we've been to Belgium, Greek Islands and Spain (and perhaps another trip to Wales too...). There will be further posts with more detailed entries about them (and lots of piccies....)

This post is just to let everyone know that we're getting back in touch with our Aussie roots, and Damo is getting in touch with his for the first time.

We've just been sitting on the floor of our flat eating Milk Arrowroot biscuits with butter and Vegemite on them.

That's right - Damo has been eating Vegemite for the first time in his life, and HE LOVES IT!!!! We were just chatting about it, and he reckons that the last time he tried Vegemite was probably literally about 20 years ago!!!

Strange how your taste buds change.....
We're coming back to Oz for about 6 weeks at Christmas time this year, and we CAN'T WAIT to see everyone.
We miss you all heaps and can't wait to see you all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Great to see a post mate... Told you it was a winner all these years you dumb bastage!!

Looking forward to a catchup at Xmas time. I am putting hols in on Monday.

Glad to hear you are well and having a good time.
