Today we spent another day in Havana. We decided that we would probably rent a car, and drive around Cuba. Renting a car is a very expensive proposition in Cuba. For one day's car rental, it is approximately the equivalent of 4 months salary of a local. $100CUC a day approx. for a car, and they earn about $25CUC per month. I suppose we weren't really ready for the levels of poverty we were about to see.
We tried to rent a car from Havana for the next day, but it turned out that we probably wouldn't be able to get a car, and anyway, we had decided that we were going to go to Trinidad and spend a few days just wandering around that town and going to the beach etc. so there'd probably be not much point having a car there anyway.
After a hell of a palaver trying to get the Internet booking for the car sorted, we finally ended up with a car booked for the 20th in Trinidad.
Today we went through a really cool market and ended up picking up a few things. We also went for a ride in a Coco-taxi, which is a bizarre, coconut-shaped trike/vespa combination painted bright yellow.
We went out for dinner at a little place near Obispo which was not too bad. One thing we were learning very quickly, is that Cuba is not so much renowned for it's food. Very average in general! Apparently there's a saying in Cuba - "The revolution came at the cost of Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner."
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